Here's the scoop...


Upcoming releases or tours.

THE FINTONS are presently featured performers in "The Great American Song Revival". This show presents seldom heard but still very pertinent music of the past dressed in modern forms to appeal to all ages, as well as new compositions that live up to the promise of being future standards for all time.

click here to play video

THE FINTON'S recording of "Moon on the Mountain" was recently number one on some European radio stations.  Search for THE FINTONS in and purchase their music  for around $7.00 for albums or individual songs for .99 cents.

The song "Forgive Yourself" is a favorite iTunes rock song.


Becky - I knew your son once, heard you guys play a few times way back when. Glad to see you all are doing well, you sound great!.

Bob Allen  You folks are going all the way past the top. I loved each and every song. The music is, there is only one word to describe it, all super-fantastic. 

Ted Shinn  Nice page, Ken! Hope this finds you well.  Your music is life changing to those who have had the privlege of hearing it. It deserves to be heard by the world. Keep making music, and keep being my friend. My best to Chaya.

Gary Illingworth -  Hi Ken! I see from the calendar that you are busy. Write me an e-mail when you get time. Gary 

Sherrie Rosche  Heard Ken's song "San Souci" in the 60's while he was doing the Michigan Folk circuit. Loved his gift of music then, and love the gifts now! Wonderful blend between you. Some friends come and go, AND come back again! Blessings to you both!

Bill Adams - Thanks for the concert for the hospitalized vets as the VFW. We appreciate such attention and you all sounded great


UNIVERSITY INTERVIEW (Denver, Colorado, February 2005) 

TASHA:  I am amazed that with all your years of experience in music  that so few people have heard of you. And your music sounds so ... so beautiful and timely. Isn't that strange? Why is that? 

KENNY:  Yeah, well, that was really the intention for many years. I always avoided the spotlight and tried to stay in the background as much as possible. I am basically a pretty shy person. In those days I was also quite insecure. 

TASHA:  I heard that you had an interesting experience with the Bee Gees when they were just starting out.

KENNY:  That was a long time ago ... yes, we were all working in Niagara Falls, Canada. My car broke down.  That is a story in itself. I was coming off the ramp of a freeway and when I hit the brakes of the old Studebaker, the pedal went straight down to the floor ...  no brakes at all. I went right through a red light and down the on ramp and into a crowded freeway.  I pulled on what I thought was the emergency brake to stop, but it was the wrong lever. Instead, the hood came up and I could not even see! I had to bend down and peer between the crack of the hood and the body of the car to see where I was going. 

TASHA: Wow!  What happened? How did you get out of that one? 

KENNY: I rubbed the wheels against the curb and that helped slow the car enough that I could turn over the curb onto an uphill embankment. When we finally were going slow enough, the rest of the band jumped out of the car and held it steady. We put some stones that we used like chocks against the wheels and walked back up to the street and called a tow truck. 

TASHA: So what does that have to do with the Bee Gees? 

KENNY: Well, we traveled with little money in those days. We moved from gig to gig and the car repair and towing bill set me back to the point that I could not afford a motel room for the guys. We ended up hanging out at the Falls and came across a g group of long-haired hippies from Canada who were just about to record their first album. They invited us over to their room for the night to get out of the chill and we sat around writing songs all night. We wrote these songs one line at a time, each one offering a line and a piece of the melody in rounds. I never kept any copies of these songs and poems, but it was a memorable evening. They told us they were the Gibb brothers. Of course, few had heard of them at that time. We were the Finton Brothers, so we hit it off exceptionally well. I never made any contact with them after that, but I bet they still remember that evening as well as I do. 

KENNY: I don’t know whether they did or not. Some years later I heard the song “Craze Finton Kirk” that they had on one of their first albums. The name Finton is not all that common, so I naturally wondered if it came from that evening. They has a line in it about “his his wavy hair continued not to grow” which fit me to a tee. My wavy hair always balls up instead of getting long. The first verse is: “Craze Finton Kirk, see him go on his way. Nobody knows where is is, very very nice, very very nice.”  It certainly captured the essence of who I was at that time. If it was not about either me or my brother, it should have been. 

TASHA: And now, after all these years, you are ready to get back into music? 

KENNY: Ready, willing and able. I'm better now that I ever was before ... and today's music needs a good dose of the Finton touch. TASHA: Well. I'm rooting for you, as is the rest of the school. Thanks so much for the visit. Perhaps we can talk again? 

KENNY:  Anytime, Tasha. And please thank all these kids for their great support.

Let THE FINTONS know what you hear or see and we will  and add it to this page!