In Coyotes of Creek Crossing, the second installment in The Mockingbird Hill series, we again meet Charlie O’Donnell and others whom we first met in Secret Sins of the Mothers. Charlie has fought the good fight for his beloved South in the Civil War. Now his path takes him on a journey to strange new lands.
Coyotes of Creek Crossing introduces us to a new cast of characters … men and women who help Charlie realize his dream of finding a new love and a purpose in life. We meet Sarah Truesdale, the lovely young wife of a brutal ex-Union Army officer, as she flees from her stylish, miserable life in Boston to seek anonymity in the wilds of Texas. We meet Adam Jones, our mystery man, who will figure strongly in Sarah’s journey. We meet Henry Torbeaux, a lonely refugee from war-torn Georgia,who has found a place of peace at Creek Crossing. We meet a group of bandits and their leader, hell bent on savage revenge for personal affronts. In the background are the real coyotes of Creek Crossing, the lifelong canine residents who, from the vantage of the hilltops, watch and observe the happenings below.
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